Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My bathroom smart mirror.
First of all I would like to thanks to @goldjunge_chriz for the opportunity to acquire a 2-way mirror. It is impressive, much better than the acrylic sheet. And, I’d like to thanks to @MichMich too for the Magic Mirror software.
Here I leave some pictures of the montage that I was doing this last summer, at leisure. I have been quite happy with the result. I hope you like it!
I am going to try not to extend myself too much with the explanations, if someone has any doubts, I will kindly answer him.
The bathroom cabinet consists of 2 pieces: a frame and a door:
A coat of paint…
The screen of a second-hand 24-inch LCD TV
To correct these errors in the cut with the electric saw, I have put some plastic corners and black silicone. This is the result:
E.L. wire installation:
Mirror installation:
The mirror was glued with black silicone too
Preparation of the electrical wiring in the frame…
… and the TV speakers. I designed a simple piece in 3D to put them inside (they are available in thingiverse in case someone is interested).
Final assembly:
Last adjustments and … It works !!!
I have made a pdf with the connection scheme of all the electronic part that you can see here (I’ve had to convert to png previously to put it here):
And here is the python3 script to make it all works:
#!/usr/bin/python3 # Para que funcione correctamente, hay que instalar los siguientes # paquetes: sudo apt install python3 python3-rpi.gpio # Script que activa la pantalla y el EL wire cuando detecta movimiento # a través del sensor de presencia PIR import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import os GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN) # SALIDA DEL PIR (PIR OUTPUT) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) # EL WIRE (CABLE ELECTROLUMINISCENTE) GPIO.setwarnings(False) time.sleep(120) os.system('vcgencmd display_power 0') while True: if (GPIO.input(22) == 1): # SI DETECTA PRESENCIA (IF MOTION IS DETECTED) os.system('ogg123 -qz /media/pi/MUSICA/ &') # ACTIVA LA MÚSICA (TURN MUSIC ON) os.system('vcgencmd display_power 1') # ACTIVA HDMI --> ACTIVA PANTALLA (TURN ON SCREEN) GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH) # ENCIENDE EL ELWIRE (TURN ON EL WIRE) time.sleep(600) # "DUERME" 10 MINUTOS (SLEEP 10 MINUTES) os.system('vcgencmd display_power 0') # APAGA SALIDA HDMI --> APAGA PANTALLA (TURN OFF SCREEN) GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW) # APAGA EL WIRE (TURN OFF EL WIRE) os.system('sudo pkill ogg123') # MATA PROCESO MÚSICA (TURN OFF MUSIC)
And you can watch a video here:
I hope you like it as much as I do!!
So far I have not managed to make the music stop when the push button is pressed, but I will end up getting it …
Good stuff!
Looks really great. Thanks for the documentation and the review