@rmonkey That is really really nice.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: MM digital display hung like a picture
RE: Bookworm, Pi & VENV
@sdetweil Dig that. First thought was “exactly what major value does that bring to the table?”
So loading Python packages from the PYPI package repository breaks Python.
That’s a good one. -
RE: Bookworm, Pi & VENV
@sdetweil They left RealVNC out in the cold initially but looks like RealVNC solved their problem.
There was an apology note put out by RealVNC which was mostly “we apologize to the Raspberry Pi community but we are working as hard as we can to allow you to continue using RealVNC”I have no idea what relation different companies have to be part of the default installation of Pi OS but seeing that note I immediately thought RealVNC was trying to push on RaspberryPi.org and Pi called their bluff
Bookworm, Pi & VENV
You all may have already addressed this and if so can you point me to the appropriate Topic?
I am working on a different project and since I didn’t want to blow up what I had already done I installed what turned out to be the new Debian/Pi OS on a spare Pi
I ran headlong into this virtual environment requirement or VENV.
Is that going to cause problems installing modules because it whipped me installing environmental sensors and being able to install their corresponding drivers. Seems that the Bookworm edition of Pi OS is likely not going see a difference between an Adafruit sensor driver and a MM module but maybe can. Waaaay beyond me. -
RE: MMM-Remote-Control
@sdetweil Saw this and I maybe putting out old news because most people do
sudo raspi-config
and then hit enter. Saw some text that appear to type in
sudo raspi-config nonint do_wayland <W1/W2>
withW1 - Use the X11 backend
W2 - Use the Wayland backend -
RE: Locating and Copying Python scripts
@sdetweil You go away for a couple of weeks and…!!
Locating and Copying Python scripts
Is there a way to find and copy some Python scripts off of an SD Card set to run Pi OS
I had a Pi 4 that I had install MM on that I subsequently did some sensor scripts on but decided to get the sensor scripts up and running first, so did a Pi OS install on a different SD SD Card thinking I could just copy the *.py files using my Win 11 laptop but my thinking was wrong.
When I put the SD card in laptop it sees all the various Pi OS files but not a *.py file to be seen. Files are there but while Windows can see all the OS files it can’t see the Python files.
I can get the files but really wondering if there are ways that might not be obvious to a casual MM builder like myself.SD Card A with Pi OS and MM installed plus about 6 - 8 Python scripts
SD Card B with Pi OS, NO MM and no Python scripts.
Use Windows 11 Laptop as middleman to move sensor scripts from SD Card A to SD Card B -
RE: rotating the screen doesn't work
@AnduriI is your
a copy/paste that @ symbol should not be there I don’t thinkYou might want to read this which comes from the official Raspberry Pi site.
Screenshot is of the Rotating your Screen function from my MM -
RE: MMM-ImmichSlideShow
@venomousviper27 This is part observation and part question.
I first stumbled on MagicMirror by way of DakBoard but in regards to showing photographs is it best to dump copies of ALL your photos in one folder or some other mechanism to get random images.I picked a bunch of photos, put them in their own folder but after a while the pictures got stale. I just let it run 24/7 and and it took a while but I realized I was tired of looking at the same pictures and want to avoid this in a MM rendition of a digital photo album.
Only thing I can think of to minimize that is to have every photo in one folder and module does the random picking.