@sdetweil That’s up to you all. You can’t do away with the sentence. Sentence should say ALT+Space Bar and you need to validate install per instructions to confirm. Do away with the sentence then everyone trying to build one on their own is stuck the first time they want to flip back and forth between different views.
All I can say regarding ALT is that I have built several MM’s, used ALT per the doc and it worked up until v 2.23.0.
Where does that block of Electron.js code exist. It absolutely exists somewhere.
You and some of the other folks that maintain Magic Mirror get down in the weeds with this stuff and I’m like I’m missing something because it seems like this question should be as answerable as the thousand other questions that float across the top of the forum but it isn’t.
I know maintaining documentation is one of the most miserable tasks out there, or at least it is in my opinion.
At least it was for me when I had to do it. I’d get an assignment to do some documentation and I would think “What did I do to make you mad at me.”
But MM is designed for average Joe who decides they want to take a crack at building one to be able to do it with little to no help so the docs need to be correct
I have installed PiOS so many times in last few weeks, NEVER using VNC
I can not make ALT+Spacebar work. I’m doing it right now.