Re: [[Remote-Control] Shutdown](Configure and Update your MagicMirror)
[image: 1606794219813-screenshot-2020-11-30-233240.jpg]
After Add MMM-Remote-Control ,Error Display as Photo
What happen?,and How to solve it?, help me please Thanks for all your hint
when put the user id “xxxxxx@Nxx” in module after finish installation
have message "no available longer photo " background all photo
but I see in my photo in photostream flickr folder
What happen? and How to solve it?
help me please?
I would like to show photo from dropbox in background magic mirror
(and can adjust time to display photo)
but my skill in programming is very basic
some one help me please,to build module like that
[image: 1487815497153-1479296936852-img_4554.jpeg]
How to change color and size of Symbol (High-Temp,Low-Temp,Humidity)
and How to Change Date language
Thanks for all Help
Someone Help me
How can to connect dropbox to MagicMirror for show image
How can to set Time Interval for Change image from dropbox
Thanks for all Help
@bachoo786 >In which folder is the image?
this shows the list of available
plymouth-set-default-theme --list
this resets to default
plymouth-set-default-theme --reset
see the installer code (and the install.log, as install changed the splash screen image)