A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.


  • Any suggestions or wishes for the forum?

    95 Topics
    656 Posts

    @toxeek Just to let you know, I am not part of the core MagicMirror team and my answer is based on my personal interpretation of the situation.

    I wish you every success! 🚀 I would find it interesting if you could tell us about your project later.

  • Cant get to Rotate!

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @gotchabeats said in Cant get to Rotate!:

    @sdetweil said in Cant get to Rotate!:

    see https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2017/11/how-to-rotate-the-raspberry-pi-display-output/

    tried all of them before i posted this. They don’t do anything. Nothing!

    Thanks, man that one worked!

  • Help me choose my hardware

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @bert269 said in Help me choose my hardware:

    I also have a Dell(not sure the model) with DVI, VGA and DP outputs. Since I use the rPi 4 I got a converter cable from mini HDMI to DVI cheaper than HDMI to DP. So I went that route and it works fine.
    I would be really interested to learn how you manage to setup Google Assistant, once you reach that point, as I am really a hard time to do it. The problem that I found is that Google keep changing their device registration websites and I cannot find any updated guides to step one through this -really annoying. In regards to the microphone, I am using a USB model from Amazon which works just fine: https://www.amazon.com/your-orders/pop?ref=ppx_yo2_mob_b_pop__np_5_pp&orderId=111-3131203-6936200&lineItemId=lpkisvksqpotsny&shipmentId=DkND6yTsW&packageId=1&asin=B0779PKLV9
    I have not decided if I want to go camera yet or not. Also, I went with the mirror film and are pretty happy with it. It was my first attempt and although it did not come out 100% smooth, I am still very happy with the result.
    I am very curious to see how you manage to get Google Assistant installed and to learn from you, please. Thanks.

    Thanks @bert269 !

  • MMM-RTSPStream success

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    This is an update to my post detailing my experience with the WWW-RTSPStream module. My implementation of the module in my MM2 was working OK, but I still had some interruptions when the video stream I was displaying would go black. Things got worse when I introduced a new WiFi router to improve coverage in my home. I had been depending on my OEM Uverse modem/router. I disabled the modem’s WiFi and added a Netgear RAX70 router to handle the WiFi duties in my home. For reasons beyond my understanding, this caused my MMM-RTSPStream module to be less stable. So, I decided to try a new IP camera. I chose a Wansview 1080 outdoor wireless IP camera that emphasized its use of the RTSP protocol. It’s this one:


    At only $40 I wasn’t really expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. Their installation process was about as simple as it gets and the RTSP URLs they supply in their app were easy to copy/paste into the MMM-RTSPStream config.sys section of the MM2. I’ve had it up and running for 2 days now and haven’t had any down time. For the first time, I can actually depend on the MMM-RTSPStream module to show me a video stream that’s current. For what it’s worth, I’ve pasted my config.sys section for the MMM-RTSPStream below.

    { module: "MMM-RTSPStream", position: "bottom_right", config: { autoStart: true, rotateStreams: false, rotateStreamTimeout: 10, moduleWidth: 308, moduleHeight: 231, localPlayer: 'omxplayer', remotePlayer: 'vlc', showSnapWhenPaused: false, remoteSnaps: false, shutdownDelay: 12, omxRestart: 1, debug: true, stream1: { name: 'Garage', url: 'USE RTSP URL FROM WANSVIEW APP', frameRate: '30', hdUrl: 'USE RTSP URL FROM WANSVIEW APP', protocol: 'tcp', timeout: 20, snapshotType: 'url', snapshotRefresh: 10, width: 400, height: 350, absPosition:{ top: 700, right: 1910, bottom: 1050, left: 1310, }, }, } },
  • Unavailable options?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello all,
    I’m new to Magic Mirror, and have been tinkering around with the configuration file for a few days now. I have the basic display the way I need it, but cannot seem to find any documentation of a few options that I want to change…

    So, my questions are:
    In the Alarm Module, I have a work schedule of three days, which I configured correctly. But, I don’t think there is a way to configure an option, for example, “every other Monday”. Is the Alarm module based on Cron? Is it possible to configure a “every other (day)”?

    The other option I’m looking for is trying to turn the MMM Analog Clock to an all-blue interface. I did find options in the documentation for changing the color of the second hand, text, and even background colors and all that. I was successful in changing only the text, or the background of the interface. But, really what I’m after is a black background with a light blue analog clock interface. Is this even possible?

    I did try a custom.css file… but for what ever reasons, it doesn’t seem to work. Now, that is most likely because I don’t have it called correctly in the config file, or perhaps I am calling something that doesn’t exist?

    Thank you in advance for any help!

  • How to get the Office 365 calender url for your Magic Mirror

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @burgi Thank you for this! I was dreading having to think about pulling my O365 calendar into Google. These directions worked perfectly, and it was simple to bring my calendar directly into MM. Thanks!

  • Highlight single calendar entries?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi there,

    do you know if there is a possibility to highlight / colorize single calendar entries using the default calendar module?

    I have a birthday calendar that contains only all day events and I turned on the config’s “absolute” date mode to prevent displaying information like “in 7 hours” or “since 13 hours” (“urgency” is set to 0).
    I imagine something like “if calendar_date = today then highlight(calendar_date)” so that today’s birthdays of the list are accentuated. :-)

    Any hints appreciated. Thanks a lot.
    May the code be with you

  • MMM-assistant2display youtube video

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @sdetweil I just reinstall Assistant2display

  • YahooWeather API

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Of course. :-(

  • Home Assistant integration

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @fribse mmm-googleassistant maintained by Mr.@bugsounet works well)

  • WHY is Mykle1 such a forum god?

    4 Votes
    6 Posts

    @cowboysdude , you, @mykle1, @sdetweil, are the best. Without yours modules, my mirrors would be less interesting. Congratulations and many thanks for your work!

  • PDF oder/or Excel Datei Anzeigen/View

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @tomy38 and @robiv8
    You can add a local html-file via MM-SmartWebDisplay at the screen as I described here:
    Link Text

    Inside the Iframe-tag add a link to your PDF. For more info google for “PDF in HTML einbinden”.

    Viele Grüße

  • How to increase the font in Spotify?

    -1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @razserv2010 tell us more… show some screen shots

  • Possible to make a Magic Mirror with an old ARM chromebook?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @hofhux i didn’t mount it in a cabinet…

    my chromebook is intel…

    i did just crush the screen twice while in the hospital, but they were easy to change… and would be easy to mount I think…

    i would leave as much of the normal guts as possible,…

  • MMM-Pollen module for Denmark

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Dear MM fallows ,

    I have come across a few Pollen modules , which are only for there own geographical locations , for example the US and Germany, but unluckily I could not find a solution to it for my own location, although I did come across this particular topic :- link text which was a little complicated for me to work on.

    I hope I can come up with some good suggestions or solution to this particular issue, I do thank you in advance.

    Best Regards

  • Magic Mirror font issues

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello Everyone!!

    I am using MPI3508 3.5" LCD to display clock module.
    I wanted to change the font of the clock module so I went through
    the forums and got the solution. However the font is changed only when I access it from pc browser and remains unchanged incase LCD screen.

    Here’s my custom.css and screen pics…

    @font-face{ font-family:impact; font-style:normal; font-weight:100; src: local("impact"), url("/home/pi/MagicMirror/fonts/impact.ttf") format("truetype") } body { color: #FFF; } .clock .time { font-family: impact; font-size:300px; } #GPHOTO_INFO { display:none; } #GPHOTO_BACK { display:none; } #GPHOTO_CURRENT { background-size:cover; }

    スクリーンショット 2021-02-21 160332.jpg


  • Save energy at night?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts


    Does it make sense to create a cronjob which

    stops MM turns off wifi turns off xyz
    from for example 12pm to 6am?

    Will this reduce the power consumption effectively?


  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    you can do it with or without docker, thats your choice.

    With docker you have to use different config.js files, they can be placed in the same folder and must be mapped into the right container.

    You could use only one modules folder for all instances by installing all modules there.

    Updating the core is done by using a new docker image (same for all instances).

    The one-modules-folder may also could be established with the classic setup, you could use symlinks from a central place into the modules folder of the several instances (never tested this!).

  • updates hidden

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @zolabus for 3rd party, if there are updates after u installed it…

    another user had trouble here too.
    turned out they had added a class= string to the module that did not exist…

  • Possible to make an Infinity Magic Mirror ?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @bhepler Two layers of one way glass works better than you might expect. The infinity effect probably isn’t as strong as a standard infinity mirror, but it’s still plenty deep for a good effect.


    There are a couple of other issues you run into:
    The first is the type of screen you use. LCD screens have a back-light, which means you see the edge of the screen (if you’re using a small screen like me), or you just dampen the infinity effect if the screen is as large as the mirror. An LED screen doesn’t have a back-light, and therefore works much better.
    The second issue is that you don’t want the infinity effect making your smart mirror text unreadable. I solved this by using blue tinted reflective window tint to make my “one way glass”. (this also helped lower the cost). The blue tint absorbs a bunch of red light, so as long as I make my smart mirror monochrome red, the text stays readable. The false depth from the infinity mirror also creates a pretty cool effect where the text looks like it’s floating in space.

  • Hello Pre-existing Google Home setup

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    On your phone, open the Google Home app. In the Home View tab (left-most bottom tab, with the house icon), tap Settings next to the Add shortcut. Tap Home members. Tap the + in the top right corner to add a new home member.