I have installed the module, ensured it is the latest version
I have 3 feeds, but feed No 1 take over the screen and does not run inside the mirror
I would like for the 3 x fees to display on on screen, below one another
Here is my Config
module: “MMM-RTSPStream”,
classes: “page6”,
position: “middle_center”,
header: “Camera’s”,
config: {
autoStart: true,
rotateStreams: false,
useWmctrl: false,
//rotateStreamTimeout: 10,
moduleWidth: 354,
moduleHeight: 800,
localPlayer: ‘local’,
remotePlayer: ‘none’,
showSnapWhenPaused: false,
remoteSnaps: false,
shutdownDelay: 12,
stream1: {
name: ‘Front Gate’,
url: ‘rtsp://admin:xxxxx@',
frameRate: ‘undefined’,
width: 354,
height: 240,
muted: true,
stream2: {
name: ‘HighWay View 1’,
url: 'rtsp://admin:xxxxxx@’,
frameRate: ‘undefined’,
width: 354,
height: 240,
muted: true,
stream3: {
name: ‘Store Room’,
url: ‘rtsp://admin:xxxxxx@*stream=0.sdp?’,
frameRate: ‘undefined’,
width: 354,
height: 240,
muted: true,