Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module
@cowboysdude said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
@Chris said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
Cannot read property ‘observation_location’ of undefined
Not seeing your location…
I corrected the pws value and it works. I made a mistake in the way of writing it.
pws: "pws:I93SEVRA3",
instead of
pws: "I93SEVRA3",
Sorry to have bothered you for so little
Thank you very much for your help
@Chris Hahhahaahha it happens :) Glad you got it working!!! You didn’t bother me!!
- 16 days later
First: this is a beautiful module, I like it very much!
But sometimes it does strange things: today is thursday and normally the module would show today, friday, saturday, etc.
But sometimes the module suddenly shows wednesday (yesterday) only.
After restarting (or from itself) the module is normal again.
Somebody any idea?
Peter -
It sounds like your whole MagicMirror instance freezes. But you can only see this at the NOAA module, because once the modules have loaded their informations they will show (without updated informations) their stuff.
So the other modules freezes, too but u can’t recognize it because u normally see no refreshing data. But on the NOAA module u expect a change of the shown data.Sorry, my english is bad. Hope u could understand.
please check your log files and post the content
@cruunnerr your english is good to understand.
I think my MM is freezing indeed (see my other thread “something is wrong”).
But I do not understand why NOAA gives yesterdays weather while freezing.
If it gave only todays wheather I would understand.
I suspect one of the other modules making my MM freeze.
But which one …
Peter -
if u use pm2, u should check
pm2 logs
and check the errors. Other way is to start MM with develop mode:npm start dev
or with ssh:DISPLAY=:0 npm start dev
Or start it with Firefox on your pc and use Firebug
@cruunnerr , I am very sorry and it sounds stupid, but I have no idea how my MM starts.
I had a lot problems to make its start automatically, but now it works.
I cannot stop MM, only minimalise it with CRTL-M.
SSH does not work (for some reason) VNC works well.
Peter -
After every update of MMM-NOAA the current weather is back in english again.
Translation of the current weather is not in the Dutch translation file.
Any idea how to fix this definitely?
Peter -
@Peter said in MMM-NOAA - Another Weather Module:
Any idea how to fix this definitely?
Isn’t the nl.json file Dutch translations? If not, you can help. How does that sound? :-)
Take any one of the translation files that you find in the tranaslations folder of the MMM-NOAA folder.
Make a copy of the file and rename the copy
Edit the copy . Don’t edit the left side which are the English words.
Edit the right side words so that they are the correct translations in Dutch for English words on the left side.
Save the file and submit it to the author
@Mykle1 thanks.
I did something like that.
This part is missing in the nl.json:"OVERCAST": "Overcast", "CLOUDY": "Cloudy", "RAIN": "Rain", "CLEAR": "Clear", "PARTLY_CLOUDY": "Partly Cloudy",
So, I copied this from the en.json, pasted it in the nl.json and translated the right side, like this:
"OVERCAST": "Grotendeels bewolkt", "CLOUDY": "Bewolkt", "RAIN": "Regen", "CLEAR": "Helder", "PARTLY_CLOUDY": "Gedeeltelijk bewolkt",
After restarting MM it shows: Overcast …
Strange about this: in the older version of NOAA the same part is missing in nl.json, but the translation is ok.
So I presume the translation is somewhere else …