Because I just used his install script for the um-teenth time. I’ve used it on Pi’s, laptops of all kinds, my dev machine, etc… and every time it has worked without a hitch.
So thank you, Sam. :thumbsup:
@Gerardit see this topic.
at least u might find what u are looking for
Hi Everyone,
Just an update on how this project of mine is going. Its been a slow process due to work, trying to get a house buy out the way but i’m making baby steps. i’ve got modules in and i have the system set up to play my playlists using nfc tags. I’m going to countersink 3.5inch marine speakers into the frame, that way the speakers wont be muffled being behind the frame and glass and also they are waterproof which being in the bathroom would be good for condensation i think. I;ve also purchased the doppler sensor in place of the PIR. i’m going to put a LED strip behind the frame as mentioned in other posts and going to figure out if i can have this turn on/off with the screen using the sensor. my programming skills are mostly non exisitent so this will be a challenge in itself.
Anyway i’ll post some pictures when i finally get it all together.
Sorry only getting back now. Not sure how to get the file I need for this?
Would this be it? I did set up an account and some shows from showRSS website.
Hi. Would it be possible to have something like the publishing date added to the list of Modules on Github and the sorting by date option? This would in my eyes facilitate the search of “new” modules.
Example. Every now and then I check about new weather modules. I have to go through all the existing ones and see if one pops out of the list just by going through the list. This is very annoying. It would be nice to have a sorting option to sort the modules by publishing date AND by update date. Lets say an existing module got an update, I would like to know that and check if the module now fits my needs.
Hope I am not the only one looking for this.
Appreciate if everyone who is interested in this would add a :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone: comment to this topic.
Thank you all.
just trying to figure out which is best? Im looking for multiple pages and key bindings. looking for the veterans opinions on which is least likely to cause issues ! :)
@arkabase said in Server only MM:
Can server-only MM run on Raspbian lite (console only instead of full desktop raspbian ?
Raspbian lite is a minimal version of Raspbian and omits things like Wolfram Alfa, Libre office, and most notably X server, the download clocks in at 300MB vs 1.3 GB for Raspbian and it’s ideal if you intend to run the Raspberry Pi as a headless server without a GUI
@lkthomas ah. I did not read that in your prior text. U will have to change the animation css to use many more smaller steps… caution, that will consume a lot of cpu power, and may not leave enough for other requirements on some processors
@hango, THANK YOU :) I have a question - how on Earth did you determine that line 297 from the file needed to be amended? Are you God? Are you a computer scientist? I am in awe of your eagle eye and intelligence! :clapping_hands: :blond-haired_woman: :call_me_hand:
@litevox158 said in Compliments from MQTT sensor:
Hi buddy, following up on this. Did you get any output on these quires yet?
Regards, https://dltutuapp.com/tutuapp-download/
https://kodi.software/ Kevin J. Hodge
Hi mods, thanks for the follow up on this.
Kevin J. Hodge