@cowboysdude I understand the purpose of custom.css and in the end main.css which I copy to custom.css will be different than main.css.
When you run MM on a big 45+ inch TV , each module is really small so if you park module X at top_left and park module Y at bottom_right you have two small modules that are same small size and would seem better to do them both with one block of css.
The other thing that I want to understand is if the top, bottom, left and right sections scale up on big monitor?
If I put a module in top_left is the right edge of the module hitting the right side of the left section.
My first pass at this was module by module in custom.css and it was a chore. I’m first to admit i’m a noob in extreme at this but after upscaling each module one by one I was wondering if there was an easier way. I subsequently blew up whole thing so opted to start over. I don’t mind that I killed module via that very css but on second pass I’d as soon avoid the module by module tweaking. As @sdetweil says, just piling in more modules not way to go.
Standard PC monitor it is not an issue. All the modules seem written with PC monitor in mind. In my use case I want MM to occupy one of HDMI ports on TV, with other HDMI port being cable TV. I can just toggle inputs on TV remote to flip between the two.
Module Question.jpg