That guide is a little old. Yes, it will still work as described. However, I’ve left Windows behind where MagicMirror is concerned. If I were writing that guide today I would be urging the use of ubuntu. Continue what you are doing, by all means. If all else fails, consider trying ubuntu.
For those who want to do it the hard way, I have a tutorial on using cloud VMs to provide a means to connect to your Mirrors. I designed it for multiple mirrors of unlimited number.
I’ll be up front about this: My way is complicated and provides only SSH access to your mirrors. But it is about as secure as you’re going to find. It doesn’t rely on installing unknown services on your Mirror Pi (Dataplicity, RealVNC). It’s all open source and SSH key protected.
Did anybody got this MMM-Simple_Swipe module to run “right out of the box”?
I’ve installed it but it’s not working. My guess (offcourse) would be that I’ve done something wrong!
I’m excluding things by asking around.
So If anybody (beside the 2 creators :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: ) got it working this would help me to determine if the problem is with my setup.
(I did have contact with one of the module makers but I don’t want to push them and offcourse… they have a life to so I don’t want to harass them :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat: )
I think I’ll just start over again with a reimage of the sd card.:persevering_face:
I’ve checked the package.json file in the electron folder and it showed version 2.0.16
So I entered that number at the bottom of the package.json file in the MMM-Swipe folder and run npm install again in the Swipe folder. Yet it gave me:
pi@Mirror:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Swipe $ npm install
npm ERR! code ETARGET
npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for electron-rebuild@^2.0.16
npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
npm ERR! notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
npm ERR! notarget
npm ERR! notarget It was specified as a dependency of 'MMM-Swipe'
npm ERR! notarget
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2019-01-15T22_09_44_953Z-debug.log
pi@Mirror:~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Swipe $
Thanks for helping me out so far.
How do you know al this stuff? How long are you already doing this?
Hope I’ll get that smart one day. :grinning_face:
Hmmmmmm… Hooked up the wires to the GPIO pins.
configured the Swipe module and hit start to run the MM2.
I know … I forgot to configure the Notification module. But I first wanted to see if the sensors worked by displaying the measured distances on the MM2 screen.
BUT…on starting the MM2 it freezes! Ctrl+Q, Alt, Esc … nothing works.
Only pulling the powercord out of the wallsocket! :crying_face: :crying_face:
@mwel1977 Did you go to the authorization link on your developer portal? Do you see the app you created in the developer portal in your Enlighten site (under Account)?
Default Display Size = Control and 0 (That’s a zero)
Zoom In = Control and Shift and = (That’s an equals sign)
Zoom Out = Control and - (That’s a dash/minus sign)
@mwel1977 - You should be good with just the emitters exposed. The easy way to test it out is to rig it up to your Pi and prototype your frame cutouts with a piece of thin cardboard. Start by connecting everything and making sure you get signal and the module works. Block everything with the cardboard and verify that you have blocked the signal. Then cut out holes for the tubes and try again. If it works, use the cardboard as the template for your cutouts in your frame. If it doesn’t cut out a hole for the silver thing and try that way.
@peter I left the “season”-line out of the config this time and it display’s the current 2018 season. I was hoping it would display the new ranking already but I think it’s still to soon for the new season to show anything about it. I’ll just leave it as is in the moment and alter it (if needed) when the new season is starting.
Here comes an unashamed developer. :D
MMM-AssistantMk2 : Embedded Google Assistant, you can make custom voice command to control MM, it’s module and your system.
MMM-Hotword : Simple voice hotword detection engine - snowboy implements.
MMM-GroveGestures : 3D sensor for gesture recognition.
MMM-TelegramBot : You can interact with your MM via Telegram.
MMM-NotificationTrigger : It has a webhook gateway to request from external Web API(e.g; IFTTT) to deliver MM notification (You need Static IP/domain or DDNS or at least SSH tunnel)
Staying away from the implications of installing on your corporate computer…
Try Debian for Linux Subsystem for Windows if you use Windows 10, you can install it from the Windows Store.
To use the store app you have to enable the WSL subsystem first by following the guide.
Afterward just install the “Debian GNU/Linux” app from the windows store.
Hi @sean,
Thanks for your explanation! This helps alot!
And no… :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: I’n not building my own module… I’m to inexperienced for that. Maybe one day…
For now I’m just setting up a nice MagicMirror for in my livingroom for me and my family. And I found so many great modules here that they can’t fit all on one page.
But okay… I must check my config.js were I went wrong because the pages aren’t switching.
At the issue page of Edward someone issues a problem and put his config.js code there. I’ll check his motition there hoping I can spot the differance. :winking_face:
Thanks again for your help!
With kind regards,
(from the Netherlands)
YESSSSSS! That’s what I need!
Thank you for helping me my friend!
:smiling_face_with_open_mouth: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth:
@mykle1 cool, mykle, didnt know that streetplan existed. Good reading on the silmarillion. Heavy stuf, but I liked the big plan that unfolds if you read more on tolkiens universe.
@mwel1977 The reason seems to be pm2. You seem to have that installed. It runs a script always restarting MagicMirror after you close it.
To close MagicMirror properly if you have pm2 running do a
pm2 stop mm
or however your process was called. You can find the name of the process running
pm2 status
Other useful commands
pm2 restart mm
pm2 start mm.sh //Name of the shell file that has been created by YOU!
In both cases, I installed node 10.13.0 LTS. ubuntu 16.04 LTS had no complaints and issued no warnings. It’s the
newer/latest LTS version of ubuntu where node issued all those warnings. Go figure.