A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.


  • Any suggestions or wishes for the forum?

    95 Topics
    656 Posts

    @toxeek Just to let you know, I am not part of the core MagicMirror team and my answer is based on my personal interpretation of the situation.

    I wish you every success! 🚀 I would find it interesting if you could tell us about your project later.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Bonjour from Montreal Qc Canada…
    BTW Montreal turns 375 years old today just thought I would toss that in ;)

    I am working on my first MM project. Currently I am educating myself so I can make the best build possible for me… a person with no real programming skills but gets tech stuff in general. I did hack my NES Classic ;) I can follow directions and make way through.

    I am leaning toward a basic Raspberry Pi 3 setup with a few bells and whistles like most people have done, but before I start I have a few Windows related questions.

    My build is basically a mirror that will be placed near the front door at my new house that is currently under construction. The idea would be that my daughters can check the weather before they go to school, see important messages ie upcoming events or activities via calendar, leave messages via Cortana or Alexa (notes scheduling). I say Cortana because I have a lot of MS devices including my 950 Windows phone lol #iamthe1% Also I have some Philips Hue lights, maybe be able to control them via voice…

    I also like the facial recognition that can be used with the Windows IoT for a more personal experience but I am not a programmer so I am not sure if this is an easy route for me to take? I don’t mind grinding my way to something cool but is that even possible?

    I have 2 old windows phones. The 950 has a display adapter that basically turns the phone in to a PC and can connect to any screen. I also have a cracked HP Stream 7 tablet with Bluetooth and WiFi… Any ideas or suggestions to use these for any sort of build?

    Anybody have experience with Cortana or Windows IoT Magic Mirrors? Your thoughts, comments and suggestions? Any DIY Windows examples or sites?


    ![alt text](image url)0_1495058079294_image1.JPG

  • Display a Web Page

  • Remote control using your iphone

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hi @Anhalter42, I did not know it. I should have read it all the modules before. That make the life more easier to be honest. Thanks for mentioned it!

  • Echo Show & Echo Calling/Messaging

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Who else is excited about Echo Calling and Messaging as well as the Echo Show! Seems like we are moving forward into exciting territory with technology. Now, if this was available through the Raspberry Pi, that would be even more awesome, but I doubt it will be for a while. Thoughts?

  • Comprehensive tutorial on how to build a MM2 from start to finish

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Mykle1 it wouldn’t be fun if I didn’t lose sleep

  • Google home sdk

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @dasam FYI there is already another thread covering this, even though there is not much contribution by now: Using Google Assistant SDK

  • Download Area ?? Images for Newbie User for download??

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Not to mention that this is a ‘project’… The user should be actively involved. ;)

  • Find a great mirror in France

    0 Votes
    1 Posts


    i really need some help to find a retailer in France for the See-Through Mirror.

    Do you have an idea guys ?

    Thanks !

  • Npm intstall

    0 Votes
    7 Posts


    thank you good to know

  • [Solved]How to start a python script @reboot?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Ok. Thanks. I made these two steps and i can see via htop that the script is running.

  • Recommended mirror specs

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @pauabaer yeah a couple of kg, but not overwhelmingly heavy :)

  • Owncloud integration - Birthday Calendar

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Here is the carefree package :)
    The python script will open the Birthday.ics file directly from your Owncloud, change the year automaticly and safe the output file at a fixed location. Python “Requests” library is used to connect to your Owncloud.
    This script works in linux. The script above was only working in MS Windows.
    The script can be run by cron e.g. every 30min so you will see updates and you don’t have to worry about the next year ;)

    #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Time functions for current year import time from time import localtime, strftime # Use Requests lib to download Owncloud Birthday calendar .ics file import requests #http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/ year = strftime("%Y", localtime()) #Get the current year try: #Catch errors url = 'https://YOUR_URL/remote.php/dav/calendars/USER/BIRTHDAYCALENDAR?export' # Url to your Owncloud Birthday caldender .ics file. Replace parts written in capitals download = requests.get(url, auth=('USER', 'PASS')) #Replace parts written in capitals fobj_in= download.text.split("\n") #Split file fobj_out = open("/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/Birthdays/geburtstage.ics","w") #Output file for line in fobj_in: if line.find("DTSTART") > -1 or line.find("DTEND") > -1: #Change year of DTSTART oder DTEND lines #Format of the string: DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19650521 #DTEND;VALUE=DATE:19650522 split=line.split(":") helpline=split[0]+":"+year+split[1][4:] fobj_out.write(helpline.encode('utf-8')+"\n") else: #Change nothing, just copy the line fobj_out.write(line.encode('utf-8')+"\n") fobj_out.close() download.close() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # This is the correct syntax print(e)
  • Alert from IFTTT or PC

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @jasondreher if you have a pc in between the switch and the raspberry you can have the pc send a http get request to the mirror with MMM-Syslog (https://github.com/paviro/MMM-syslog)

  • UpVote posts....show some love.

    5 Votes
    4 Posts
    strawberry 3.141S

    Another topic which is somehow related to give feedback/appreciation

    I recognized this behaviour in a lot of my repos and after viewing the profile of those users it looks like a scheme. So

    Why do people fork repositorys on github instead of starring them?

    Fork a repo: You fork a repo if you want to make changes to the original codebase and use the fork or create a pull request.

    Star a repo: You star a repo if you like it. It’s similar to upvote on the forum or likes on facebook, youtube, … and gives the developer kind of credit for his work.

  • Problem with my pir sensor

    0 Votes
    6 Posts


    I tested my pir with my multimetre I just disconnected the output and testing directly on the pine I saw that my output always remained high.
    I changed my pir now all works perfectly

  • Do I need a Rasberry Pi to build a MM2? (I'm new)

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Mykle1 @cowboysdude

    Hello can you tell me please where to look about how to get mm on windows 10? I have this on pi but would like to try on windows.Thank you

  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
  • Anyone try dual loading mm and openframe?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @soqueen should be easy to just use a picture module in the fullscren region and then use the pir sensor or a cam to hide the picture modul and display the regular modules.

  • More then 1 module on the same spot..?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank u for the fast support,
    do i need to place the code somewhere special ore just under the first array of the start of modules.

  • Suppress Native OSD when Using a TV

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello folks. I am in the research phase of my project, and I want to use a TV for my display mainly for the size. Seems the most economical way to get a larger smart mirror. But I have a couple of questions about doing so that I couldn’t find answers by searching.

    Will the TV respect native power saving commands from the raspberry pi like a normal monitor? e.g.: will it go into / come out of standby via commands through the HDMI connection? Like many here I’d like to use a motion sensor to wake up the display, and then have it go back into stand by after a certain period of time. I’m planing on using libCEC to explicitly issues sleep / wake commands.

    Will the TV’s native OSD be on the screen? e.g.: will I see text like “HDMI2” to indicate which input is active whenever the TV powers on from standby? When the HDMI signal is dropped, will I see “No Input Signal” on the mirror before the screen goes into standby?

    Will the TV need to be in the fully powered-on state before powering up the Raspberry Pi in order for the Pi to recognize the connected display? Or - as I’m hoping will be the case - will the Pi issue a wake command to bring the display out of stand by on initial boot?

    I’m considering the Samsung J5205 32" for this project, and I’ve seen a few tutorial videos that show how to access the service menu. Does anyone know if these tweaks can be only be made to affect either of the above points via the service menu or will the regular options menu cover this off?

    Alternatively I’m looking at using a BenQ PD3200Q monitor, but I can’t find a definitive answer to whether the Raspberry Pi can drive it at its native resolution of 2560 x 1440. I’ve seen some info to suggest that it may work at 15 Hz, which I think is fine for this application, but if anyone has real insight on this, that would be very helpful. The monitor costs about a third more that the TV, but I think the extra money is worth it if I can make use of the higher resolution.

    Thanks for any info -
