A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.


  • Any suggestions or wishes for the forum?

    95 Topics
    656 Posts

    @toxeek Just to let you know, I am not part of the core MagicMirror team and my answer is based on my personal interpretation of the situation.

    I wish you every success! 🚀 I would find it interesting if you could tell us about your project later.

  • What are you compliments?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @dkoucky said in What are you compliments?:

    Does anyone have a copy of their weather based compliments?

    I’m using by default from README. If you have some more clever let me know or send a a PullRequest for update the README.

    config: { compliments: { day_sunny: [ 'Today is a sunny day', 'It\'s a beautiful day' ], snow: [ 'Snowball battle!' ], rain: [ 'Don\'t forget your umbrella' ] } }
  • Pi Zero?

  • Calendar Alert?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi All :)

    I am setting a ‘mirrorless’ mirror for my mother-in-law. It doesn’t actually need to be a mirror but I want it to just display useful reminders for her (doctors appointments etc). One thing I was wondering, with the demo config.js it has the complements in big letters at the bottom; rather than that, does the alert module produce large text like that? And can it get information from the calendar?

    I ask as it would be really useful for her to have the next calendar entry clearly shown so it is an easy and clear reminder of what she needs to do for that day.

    Is this something that is possible?

    Many thanks for any assistance!!


  • Build on Benja...

    2 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi all,
    I’m currently working on a Digital Photo Frame. When looking for a good place to start I found this: https://benja.io
    It’s basically ARCH with only Electron running.
    Not only that, it’s fully Hardware accelerated! :)

    I thought, maybe the MagicMirror² can use this as a base instead of a Raspbian Jessie (Lite) installation as it is today. Maybe you guys already knew about this. But in case you didn’t I just wanted to let you know. :)

    I’m also building a MM of course. :)

    Best regards Erik

  • Which type of glass to use ?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @ottobot - Good luck with yours. Everything I read, before actually buying the mirror, hinted towards a “rigid” mirror. I wasn’t even sure the 3mm was going to do the trick but I was happily surprised. It’s pretty much plexiglass with mirror capability, and yes, the price is reasonable.

  • How Can We Use Magic Mirror apart for using it as mirror, where?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    I thought we can use in the glass of mounted glass to the speed-o-meter of bike!!!
    Share your thoughts, many one of us have power to execute it.

  • Looking for advice on how to start my project

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    For the last 6 months I have been thinking of a reason to build a MM and I finally found it. Like so many other successful ventures I wanted to combine two of my passions. In this case those passions are tech and exercise.

    I would like to build a mirror that tracked my exercises via voice input. Ideally I would like to be able to say “start workout x” and have the list of exerces/metrics come up on the screen. I would then tick them off one by one with voice commands. This would obviously be profile-driven, ideally using a database.

    In the last few weeks I have gained a fair amount of knowledge in Amazon developer tools and I would like to stay on that trajectory. I am looking for a place to jump in - any advice that you could provide would be GREATLY appreciated. I am first an foremost trying to find the framework that suits my needs. Is MM2 that framework? Something else? I look forward to being an active member of the community in the future.


    Voice-activated commands (presumeably via stand-alone alexa device)

    The ability to refresh / build the screen via voice commands. I’ve seen this done in a few places so I know it is possible

    Database capabilities. Once again, I want this to be profile driven without having to update code


    The ability to have Alexa turn my tv on/off. I haven’t purchased a monitor yet, nor have I spent much time researching this one.
  • Module programming preview, jsfiddle?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @washichi Interesting idea for the module. And glancing at your code you seem to be on the right track.

    I may be not understanding what you trying Sublime Text to do. It’s just a text editor with ability to add various packages on top of it. It’s not a full blown IDE. I don’t believe that you can compile or preview the JavaScript module directly in Sublime.

    My general workflow for module creation is something like this:

    Create MMM-mymodule directory inside MagicMirror/modules Open MagicMirror directory in sublime Add barebones config for the module to modules array in config.js, for example: { module: "MMM-mymodule", position: "bottom_right", config : { } }, Start node serveronly and point my Chrome with dev tools open to the http://localhost:8080 Create/edit MagicMirror/modules/MMM-mymodule/MMM-mymodule.js, save it. (or other files that you need for the module) Refresh the browser to pickup my changes, debug etc. Repeat steps 5-6 as I go along. If adding/editing node_helper.js repeat steps 4-6 since node needs to pickup that file.

    Some of restarts/refreshes can be automated on file save with different tools, but I’m not going to get into that right now.

  • Another mirror project

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    @lolobyte yeah but all that apps and programs,… it´s more like a info screen than a mirror ;)

  • Camera intigration in your Mirror

    0 Votes
    23 Posts

    Ok, sounds interesting. Can the Face-Recognitiontool and the MMAL-Motion share the camera? If I try to use the Camera with “raspistill” while the Face-Recog-Module is enable, I get an Error.

  • electronic forum???

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @fersev Not even sure what that is :) A dimmer switch?

  • MagicMirror featured in MagPi 54

    7 Votes
    8 Posts

    Nice write up and cover story. Saw it over the weekend. Congrats!

  • Approach to show message in MM once an RF signal was detected

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi there,
    I’m looking for an approach to accomplish the following:
    I have some (remote) radio controlled power outlets (on 433 MHz signals). Currently I have 4 of these outlets, so 8 different codes (on /off). I would like to display a message on my MagicMirror once a particular power outlet has been switched on. The message should disappear if the particular power outlet has been switched off again.
    I have a wireless receiver for my Pi up and running and also found a RFSniffer (https://github.com/ninjablocks/433Utils/tree/master/RPi_utils) written in C++ which works fine so far. I can see all codes for each outlet if I switch it on/off by the remote control.
    Now I’m struggling with the implementation in my module for MM. I understand that I have to use the node_helper.js somehow to receive notifications. But I only found a way to get results of Python scripts back to the node_helper. I don’t find a RFSniffer tool written in Python.
    Question 1: Is there any Python RFSniffer available?
    Question 2: How can I get the result from the C++ Sniffer to the node_helper.js to evaluate it in my module? Is there a way without having a Python script inbetween? If not, is there any tutorial or similar code available that I can use as template to solve my requirement?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Splitting zone...

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi all, I’m trying to save space on my mirror to be.
    I’m thinking if it would be possible to make a module where you can “split” a zone. Or rather arrange other modules in another way in a zone. As it is now you can basically only decide what module is on top and the order the modules are added under each other in config. I would like to be able to put modules beside each other as well. Here is an example:
    This is my current left top corner:
    This is how I would like it to be:
    So, I want to move the “moon” to beside the clock, but still be in the top_left.
    Is this possible?

    Thank you all for this great project! :)

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    the mmm-todoist should do the trick

    they can edit the content via webpage or app

    also you can have alexa built in / external to edit the doc.

  • RSS News Feeds (Viewing Content)

    2 Votes
    7 Posts

    @cowboysdude I’ve made a clickable newsfeed that gives you the description of the headline when touched, it’s not the entire article, but it’s a little more info on the headline.

  • Interchange multiple modules at runtime

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank you very much. Way easier than expected :)

  • Compatibility with MXQ PRo 4K (Android 5.1)

    0 Votes
    1 Posts


    I am novice, I would like to know if this application “Magic Mirror” can be compatible with a TV module like MXQ pro 4K (Android 5.1).
    If yes how to make it work? Is there a tutorial? I am French and I want to build my mirror connected to matetiel.

    I thank the whole community for your help.
    I like the Magic Mirror project, I find it really well built and finished …
    I hope to soon be part of this community with my project and to bring my help in my turn …

    thank you in advance

  • MM2 launch without internet

    0 Votes
    11 Posts


    That is actually one of the use case i am covering with my app and BLE module:


    One of the features is, that you can connect a MagicMirror to a wifi network over bluetooth.
    Only downside is, that there is currently only an app for Android and not for IOS or Windows Phone (i currently have neither, so can’t develop one in the near future).

  • Anyone experience an issue with white walls and the mirror reflection?

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi all,
    So I’m towards the end of my mirror build, I have all the modules setup how i want them on my pi which was super quick because I’d been using a ubuntu vm for testing and then just SCP the config.js over.
    Im at the point where I can put a tablet screen with a teamviewer session behind my Two-way acrylic to see how it looks size-wise and I’ve noticed that however bright i make the screen it’s not very clear because my walls are WHITE! So unless I’m standing directly in the front of the module i want to look at all i see is faint text amidst a reflection of a white wall LOL. I’ve tried changing the colour of the text to stand out more but it doesnt seem to do all that much. Has anyone else had to work around apartment decor and what helped you if anything?