Hi @all
I have an issue with the icons/symbols, that are shown in the legend. Sometimes the legend shows an icon of the event (eventTransformer) instead of the default-calendar-icon. I am using iconify icons.
For a better understanding please have a look at the screenshot:
e.g. the yellow calendar. The default icon should be a brick-head one. You can find it e.g. on Monday at “LAC Training”. The Legend instead shows the bread icon. I am using the bread-icon via eventTransformer only for events that calls “Brotbüchse”.
Why the legend shows this icon instead of the default one?
Here the main code of the calendar module:
{ module: "calendar", header: "TErmINe", //position: "top_left", config: { defaultSymbolClassName: '', useIconify: true, broadcastPastEvents: true, calendars: [ { name: "Ludwig", color: "#CD2626", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, symbol: "game-icons:trumpet", url: "webcal:" }, { name: "Albrecht", color: "#EEEE00", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, symbol: "ph:lego-smiley-light", url: "webcal:" }, { name: "Samuel", color: "#4876FF", symbol: "healthicons:running", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, url: "webcal:" }, { name: "Abfall", color: "#919191", symbol: "solar:trash-bin-minimalistic-outline", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, url: "webcal://localhost:8080/" }, { name: "Franziska", symbol: "fluent-emoji-high-contrast:unicorn", /*color: "#800080",*/ color: "#E066FF", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, url: "webcal:" }, { name: "Daniel", color: '#008000', symbol: "game-icons:full-motorcycle-helmet", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, url: "webcal:" }, { name: "Familie", color: "#FF8C00", symbol: "material-symbols:family-restroom", fetchinterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, url: "webcal:" }, { name: "Jahrestage", color: "#622C00", symbol: "iconoir:birthday-cake", fetchInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, url: "webcal:" } ] } },Here you can find the config of the CalendarExt3 module:
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "upper_third", header: "14-Tage Vorschau", title: "14 Tage Übersicht", config: { refreshInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, useIconify: true, mode: "week", displayLegend: true, displayEndTime: false, weekIndex: 0, weeksInView: 2, instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'de-DE', useMarquee: true, maxEventLines: 7, fontSize: '17px', eventHeight: '40px', firstDayOfWeek: 1, useWeather: false, showMore: true, skipDuplicated: false, calendarSet: ['Ludwig', 'Samuel', 'Albrecht', 'Daniel','Franziska', 'Familie', 'Abfall', 'Jahrestage'], eventTransformer: (ev) => { if (ev.title.search('Saxophon') > -1) ev.symbol = ["game-icons:saxophone"] if (ev.title.search('Brotbüchse') > -1) ev.symbol = ["ph:bread"] if (ev.title.search('Sport Vorschule') > -1) ev.symbol = ["solar:bottle-outline"] if (ev.title.search('Jugendfeuerwehr') > -1) ev.symbol = ["ph:siren-light"] if (ev.title.search('Gitarre') > -1) ev.symbol = ["ph:guitar-light"] if (ev.title.search('Geburtstag') > -1) ev.symbol = ["simple-line-icons:present"] if (ev.title.search('GTA Fußball') > -1) ev.symbol = ["game-icons:soccer-ball"] if (ev.title.search('GTA Handball') > -1) ev.symbol = ["mdi:handball"] if (ev.title.search('Treffen') > -1) ev.symbol = ["tabler:pacman"] if (ev.title.search('FT:') > -1) ev.symbol = ["ion:calendar-outline"] return ev } } },Can you help to find the the root cause of the problem?